SPN 202: Notas semanales: Formación de palabras y diminutivos
17 de Abril, 2012
Forming Nouns from Verbs
Some nouns related to verbs consist of the verb stem + -o or –a: esperar: la espera; gustar; el gusto; práctica: la práctica; volar: el vuelo.
Many nouns are formed from the past participle of verbs. They consist of the verb stem + the suffix –ada (for –ar verbs) or –ida (for –er and –ir verbs): bajar (to go down(stairs)): la bajada; comer; la comida; correr: la corrida (bullfight); ir: la ida; llegar: la llegada.
Many nouns are formed from –ar verbs with the suffix –ción. Most of these have English cognates ending in –tion: admirar: la admiración; invitar: invitación;
But transportation: transportar: el transporte.
Ejercicio 1. ¿Y el verbo original? Escriba el verbo al lado del sustantivo del que se deriva. Vea el modelo. La formación → formar
1. La obligación
2. La presentación
3. La complicación
4. La dominación
The suffix –miento is widely used to form nouns from verbs. –Ar verbs have the vowel ‘a’ before this suffix; both –er and –ir have the vowel ‘i’.
Agotar (to exhaust) → el agotamiento (exhaustion)
Entender (to understand) → el entendimiento
Ejercicio 2. El sustantivo que falta. Complete la tabla con los sustantivos correctos. Vea el modelo. Mover to move → el movimiento (movement)
1. Pensar to think → __________________________ (thought)
2. Crecer to grow → __________________________ (growth)
3. Sufrir to suffer → __________________________ (suffering)
4. Consentir to consent → __________________________ (consent)
Forming Verbs from Nouns
-Ear is one of the most commonly used suffixes for converting nouns into verbs. It can convey the impression of repeated movement or action of the noun.
Ejemplos: párpado eyelid → parpadear (to blink); paso step → pasear
Ejercicio 3. Escriba el verbo que deriva del sustantivo. Vea el modelo.
Sabor taste → saborear
1. Gota drop (of liquid) →
2. Golpe blow, hit →
3. Zapato shoe →
4. Pata paw, foot →
Forming Verbs from Adjectives
Certain adjectives can be transformed into verbs by the prefix a- + infinitive ending –ar.
Ejemplos: fino fine → afinar (to refine, tune); liso smooth → alisar; manso tame → amansar to tame, domesticate; cierto right, sure → acertar (guess right, hit the mark).
Ejercicio 4. Escriba el verbo que deriva del adjetivo. Vea el modelo.
Largo long → alargar (to lengthen)
1. Claro clear → __________________________________ (to clarify)
2. Chico small → __________________________________ (to reduce in size)
3. Seguro sure → __________________________________ (to assure)
4. Flojo loose → ____________________________________ (to loose)
Many adjectives can be made into verbs with the prefix en- (-em before) b and p) and the suffix –ecer. Adjectives whose stems end in –c change to qu before –ecer.
Ejemplos: triste → entristecer to sadden; pobre → empobrecer to impoverish; rico → enriquecer to enrich; loco → enloquecer to go crazy; bruto → embrutecer to brutalize
Ejercicio 5. Escriba el verbo que deriva del adjetivo. Vea el modelo.
Ronco (hoarse) → enronquecer
1. Bello beautiful →
2. Duro hard →
3. Rojo red →
4. Sordo deaf →
Diminutives are widely used in Spanish to add a note of smallness or endearment to the noun. The most common diminutive suffix is –ito/-ita, added to nouns and personal names. The following spelling changes occur when the –ito/-ita is added: c → qu; g → gu; z → c.
Ejemplos: la silla → la sillita; la gata → la gatita; Verónica → Veroniquita; Diego → Dieguito; cabeza → cabecita.
The diminutive suffix –ito/-ita changes to –cito/-cita if the noun ends in –n or –r, or if the noun ends in –e and has more than one syllable.
Ejemplos: amor → amorcito; la joven teenage girl → la jovencita; la madre → la madrecita.
Nouns of two syllables whose first syllable has ie or ue and that end in –o or –a drop the –o or –a and add –ecito/-cita to form the diminutive.
Ejemplos: piedra → piedrecita; fiesta → fiestecita; cuerpo → cuerpecito; flor → florcita.
Ejercicio 6. Diminutivos. Escriba el diminutivo terminando en –ito/-ita que corresponda a estas palabras.
1. La voz 6. suave
2. La carta 7. jugo
3. El traje 8. chica
4. El pez 9. luz
5. El dolor 10. nueva
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