Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SPN 101: Actividades Semanales 17 de Abril 2012

SPN 101: Actividades Semanales: Possessive Adjectives; Demonstrative Adjectives: Comparisons
17 de Abril, 2012

Possesive Adjectives

Mi= My singular, Mis= My plural
Tu= Your singular; Tus=Your plural
Su= Your formal sing.; Sus = Your formal pl.
Su = His, Her sing; Sus = His, Her pl.
Nuestro/a = Our sin.; Nuestros/as = Our pl.
Vuestro/a = Your sing. Spain; Vuestros/as = Your pl. Spain
Su = Their sing. ; Sus = Their plural

Demonstrative adjectives
Este= This sing. masc. Esta= This sing. fem.
Estos = These pl. Estas = These fem.
Ese = That sing. masc. Esa = That sing. fem.
Esos = These pl. masc. Esas = Those pl. fem

You make equal or unequal comparisons between two objects, people, places using más (more) or menos (less) before an ADJECTIVE and using ‘que before the second object, person, animal, or place’. Ejemplos:
Mi mamá es mas divertida que mi hermana (My mother is more fun than my sister).
Esta casa es menos grande que la casa de mi abuelo. (This house is less big than my grandfather’s house)

Aburrido =Boring
Alegre = Cheerful
Alto/a = Tall
Amable = Kind
Antipático/a = Unpleasant
Bajo = Short (in height)
Bonito = Pretty
Bueno/a = Good
Delgado/a = Thin/Slender
Divertido = Fun
Difícil = Hard; difficult
Fácil Easy
Feliz Happy
Gordo= Fat
Grande = Big, large
Guapo/a = Handsome
Importante = Important
Inteligente = Inteligente
Interesante = Interesting
Joven = Young
Moreno/a = Brunette, negro
Ocioso = Lazy
Pelirrojo = Red-haired
Pequeño = Small
Rubio/a = Blond(e)
Serio = Serious
Simpático = Nice, likeable
Tonto = Silly, foolish
Trabajador/a = Hardworking
Triste = Sad

Ejercicio 1. Translate these sentences into English.

1. Estos libros son más interesantes que esos libros.
2. Héctor es menos serio que Miguel.
3. Ese color es menos triste que este color.
4. Tu hermana es más morena que Isabel.
5. Yo soy menos ocioso que tú.
6. Esas casas son más pequeñas que estas casas.
7. Esa clase es menos pequeña que esta clase.
8. Nuestros proyectos son más importantes que los proyectos de ustedes.
9. Este lugar es menos bonito que Owensboro.
10. Mi gato es más inteligente que tu perro.

Ejercicio 2. Translate these sentences into Spanish.
1. This place is smaller than Owensboro.
2. These shoes are bigger than those shoes.
3. Your (tú) brother is less young than my car.
4. Our dogs are more intelligent than your (tú) dogs.
5. Maria is less blond than Miriam.
6. His dad is more hardworking than your (tú) dad.
7. This cat is less fat than that cat.
8. Miami is less interesting than New York.
9. I am thinner than you (usted).
10. That student is more sad than you (tú)

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