Wednesday, April 18, 2012

FInal ORAL Exams: SPN 202 Spring 2012

Guidelines and Topics for Final Oral Exam SPN 202
18 de Abril, 2012

You will have DIEZ minutos to have an oral interview with the instructor. First part: It consists of general questions about your academic and personal life. Be ready to answer these general questions:
Buenos días/tardes/noches. 1. ¿Cómo está hoy?; Dígame algo de su biografía. Dígame algo de sus estudios en la universidad. Dígame lo que hizo el fin de semana o recientemente o algo importante en su vida. Dígame que piensa hacer en sus vacaciones. ¿Cómo piensa seguir practicando su español? Algún comentario final.
Second part: You will present your main findings on your country of choice. Make some reflections. Please bring a hard copy of your country summary to the interview.
Your answers for both parts will be assessed according to these dimensions: Pronunciation, Enunciation, Vocabulary, Uses of Verb conjugations, and Critical Thinking Skills.

SPN 202

Write a text (20 sentences minimum) based on the following topics: (a) country of presentation; (b) a second country presented in class; (c) a topic of your choice. This text will have a format according to your choice: informative text, dialogue, or poem. You will read this paragraph and this will be recorded the last day of class. DUE: first week of May.

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