Tuesday, February 26, 2013

SPN 102: Preterite of SER/IR Feb 26, 13

SPN 102 The Preterite Indicative: SER/IR
Semana 7: Feb 25-Marzo 01, 2013

(8) Identical special preterite forms of SER (to be) and IR (to go)

Actividad 1. Lea/read these notes. Lea Libro U27: p. 255-6.

SER (to be): Preterite stem: Yo fui estilista (I was a hair stylist); tú fuiste; ella fue; nosotros fuimos, vosotras fuisteis, ellos fueron.
IR (to go): Preterite stem: Yo fui a casa (I went home); tú fuiste; ella fue; nosotros fuimos, vosotras fuisteis, ellos fueron.

Yo fui un estilista.
Tú fuiste maestro.
Nora fue católica.
Nosotros fuimos buenos estudiantes.
Vosotras fuisteis excelentes amigos.
Ustedes fueron buenos actores.
Nora y Lilian fueron enfermeras.

Yo fui a casa.
Tú fuiste a jugar futbol.
Nora fue a la cafetería.
Nosotros fuimos al centro comercial el sábado pasado.
Vosotras fuisteis a hablar con el profesor.
Ustedes fueron a Henderson el domingo pasado.
Nora y Lilian fueron a visitar a Sara.

Actividad 2. Translate these sentences into Spanish.

1.      Where did you (formal singular) go on Sunday?
2.      We went to a Hispanic/Latino event.
3.      My grandmother was an employee in a factory.
4.      They were not kind.
5.      Hugo was a theatre critic.
6.      Were they nice with you?
7.      How was your trip?
8.      I didn’t go anywhere (ningún sitio).
9.      I was an Art student two years ago.
10.  The good professors were good students.
11.  Did you (Spain plural masc.) go to the library this morning?
12.  Aldo and Valentina went to the circus on Saturday.

Write three sentences with –AR, -ER, -IR verbs in the past/preterite tense (9 sentences). Write three sentences with SER, and three sentences with IR in the past/preterite tense (6 sentences). Total: 15 sentences. Provide the English translations.

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