Thursday, April 14, 2011


(Please send an email with the link to your performance when posted in youtube)
You and your partner(s) will perform a small interaction/dialogue (skit) the last week of classes. This performance aims to make you practice your acting and easiness with a topic/topics with Spanish language and culture. This skit focuses on a specific situation/situations focused on the objectives of one/two or various lessons covered in Spanish at different proficiency levels.
What is the format for a PERFORMANCE script?
Imagine a situation in which you are having problems in communication. Or another in which there is a need for communication in a potential situation within your second major. Preferably imagine the situation to be happening here in the US. Therefore adopt different roles (one person who speaks more English and a person who speaks more Spanish interacting in a gathering, party, class, store, doctor’s room, social services office, prison, courtroom, etc). Imagine the person to be from a country familiar to you (you researched one already; the country of your amigo, co-worker). Write a small description of the situation and the characters. Be sure that the dialogue has a flow. You are required to write a very RELEVANT, CREATIVE, and CLEAR script for your performance.
What is the format of your actual PERFORMANCE?
Students are required to REHEARSE their lines prior to their final performance. In the actual oral exam, you will act out, perform, enact your momentary new identities/roles as it were a REAL-LIFE SITUATION/INTERACTION. Imagine yourself as a potential ACTOR. Your intonation, voice, and use of props are closely associated with the RELEVANCY, CREATIVITY and CLARITY of your performance. You won’t be able to read any lines from your script.
How are PERFORMANCES graded?
RELEVANCE (20): This area is connected with the relevance of the performance to the objectives of the course and the lessons. Students are expected to adapt the contents and language communicative objectives to their performance. The script and performance needs to have a background. Include a brief description in English/Spanish at the top of script. Points: 20-18-16-14-12
CREATIVITY (30): This area is connected with the creativity students use to enact their performances. This area has to do with how they connect the topics with their own experiences, their body movements, and other non-linguistic tools (such as props) to better convey their meanings in their performances. Points: 30-27-24-21-18
SPANISH (SPN) LANGUAGE PERFORMANCE (40): This area is connected with the clarity (for the audience in particular) of the pronunciation of the student voice to convey the meanings in the performance. Points: 40-36-32-28-24
SCRIPT QUALITY (10): This (hard copy) document needs to have a background of the script to be performed. It needs to be edited (with accent marks) and handed in on time. Points: 10-9-8-7-6

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