Thursday, March 25, 2010

SPN 102 Lección 14: En la ciudad Performance

25 de marzo, 2010 9am
Lección 14: En la ciudad
Scenario Title: Going to visit your friend in Mexico

Describe in a small paragraph in Spanish your setting and how you are feeling.
Role A: You are going to visit your friend for the first time. You have many questions about Mexico. Tell him/her the preparations you have made using the present participles used as adjectives. Use nosotros/as commands to describe preparations you need to complete and other questions about the logistics of the trip. She/he will invite you to have a different trip experience. Prepare your questions/comments/reactions.
Role B: Your Kentucky friend is visiting soon in your Mexican hometown. Be ready to comment on her preparations, invite to do something together, and logistic questions about the trip. You are going to tell him/her that she/he will be staying in your small town for a few days. Your house is small and does not have many urban places to go. Prepare your questions/comments/reactions.

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