Monday, February 27, 2012

SPN 102: Oral Text and Performances


Using the sentences you have written so far in the semester, create one TEXT: a small dialogue/skit, or a personal description, a song, or a poem. This ONE text can have some questions and answers and descriptions at the same time. Be creative and reuse the sentences you have created and imagine a situation in which you use Spanish language. This text will be recorded. Remember to re-use the grammar structures used so far in the course (see below). Possible topics: Getting to ready for summer break; Eating in a Mexican restaurant, Job Interview, etc. The text needs to have at minimum of nine sentences/ 90 words. Write in English/Spanish the context of your text (a small summary of the situation for the dialogue/skit or description).


1. Review of Present Tense: Regular and Irregular forms; 2. Review of nouns, descriptive adjectives, adverbs; 3. Prepositional pronouns; 4. Direct Object Pronouns; 5. Indirect Object Pronouns; 6. Reflexive verbs; 7. Preterite of regular –AR, -ER, and –IR verbs.

This text will be recorded and will be graded according to this rubric: (1) Pronunciation (2 points); (2) Enunciation (2 points); (3) Vocabulary (2 points); (4) Academic/Cultural content (2 points); (5) Grammar Estructuras (minimum 3 estructuras) (2 points).

Spring 2011 SPN 102 Oral Performance Text

Students are having a conversation about their summer break in their last day of classes.

N- ¡Hola Jorge!
J- ¡Qué sorpresa! ¡Hola Natalia!
N- ¿Como estás? (Present Tense of ESTAR)
J- Ehhh más o menos.
N- ¿Por qué? ¿Que está mal?
J- Nada. me preocupado sobre mis vacaciones de verano.
N- ¿Qué? Repite por favor.
J. Nada… me preocupado sobre mis vacaciones de verano.
N- Oooohhh summer Break!
J- Si… ¿Dónde debo ir? (Present Tense of DEBER (-ER verb))
N. I know! The beach!
J. ¿Beach?
N. ¡La playa!
J- ¡Ohhhh! ¡Sí!
J y N- ¡Vamos a la playa! (Present Tense of Regular IR)
J- ¡Sí. Es una gran idea!
N- ¡Hasta luego Brescia!
J- ¡Hasta luego clases!

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