Tuesday, February 23, 2010

SPN 101 Practice Mid-Term Exam S10


A. FOCUS ON FORM and MEANING: Consider your 30 questions/answers to include them as sentences below. Work with a partner to explain the meaning of your sentences.

Lección 1: Hola, ¿qué tal?
Escribe a small interacion to get to know a new person. Practice it with your partner.
Nouns and articles (L1.1)
Write the plural of the following nouns: palabra-lápiz-fotografía-mujer-mapa. Now write the articles before these nouns.
Present Tense of SER (L1.2)
Write a sentence with the present tense of SER and with the following subjects: tú-Verónica-ellos-la profesora-Yo y mi hermano. Explain the meaning of the sentences, and how the present of SER is formed.
Telling Time (L1.3)
Escribe una oración con las siguientes preguntas: (a) ¿Qué hora es?, y,(b) ¿A qué hora es tu clase de _______? Explain the difference between the two questions/answers.

Lección 2: En la Universidad
Present Tense of –AR verbs (L2.1)
Escribe una oración con los siguientes verbos: preguntar-contestar-amar-practicar-desear. Explain the meaning of the sentences, and how the present tense of –AR verbs is formed.
Forming questions (L2.2)
Escribe una oración with the following question words: qué-cuál-dónde-de dónde-quién. Explain the meaning of the questions and answers.
Present Tense of ESTAR (L2.3)
Escribe una oración with the present tense of ESTAR and with the following subjects or pronouns: tú-Verónica-ellos-la profesora-yo y mi hermana. Explain the meaning of the sentences, and how the present of ESTAR is formed.

Lección 3: La familia
Descriptive adjectives (L3.1)
Escribe una oración con los siguientes adjetivos descriptivos: altos-trabajadora-buenos-simpaticas-bonita. Explain the meaning of the sentences, and how these adjectives agree with their subjects.
Possessive adjectives (L3.2)
Escribe una oración con los siguientes adjetivos posesivos: mis-tu-su (his)-nuestro-La casa de ellos. Explain the meaning of the sentences, and how the adjectives agree with their subjects, and why we need to use the last phrase to express possession.
Present Tense of –ER and –IR verbs (L3.3)
Escribe una oración con los siguientes verbos: leer-vivir-comer-deber-escribir. Explain the meaning of the sentences, and how the present tense of -ER, and -IR verbs is formed.
Present Tense of TENER and VENIR (L3.4)
Finish these sentences: (a) Tengo ____________ años; (b) ¿De dónde vienes? _______________; (c) ¿Tienes _________? Si, la clase es a las 10. Son las 9:50; (d) Mis padres tienen __________________; (e) Nosotros venimos ________________. Explain the meaning of these questions/answers.

B. FOCUS ON PERFORMANCE: Write a small skit interaction using the estructuras and sentences practiced in (A). Provide a scenario and the characters.

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