Wednesday, April 7, 2010

SPN 101-Lección 6 Performance and Tareas

Lección 6: De Compras
Scenario Title: Going to buy
Describe in a small paragraph in Spanish where you are, and how you and your friend are feeling.
Role A: You went to a clothing store last weekend. You bought a number of items at very low prices. You are taking your new friend to this store. S/he does not speak English that much. So use gestures and body to convey some ideas. Prepare your questions/answers/comments.
Role B: You have been invited to go to a store with your new KY friend. You are still learning English and this is a good opportunity to learn clothing and shopping language. You had an ear infection. This day shopping you cannot hear very well so you ask for clarifications sometimes. Prepare your questions/answers/comments.

TAREAS L6: De Compras
Contextos: Práctica 3: 191. Comunicación 1 (Preguntas 1-8): 193. WB
6.1. Saber y Conocer: Sección Azul: 200. Práctica 1, 3: 201. WB
6.2. Indirect Object Pronouns: Sección Azul: 203. Práctica: 2 (1-5), Comunicación 6: 205. WB
6.3. Preterite Tense of regular verbs: Sección Azul: 207. Práctica 1, 3 (1-5): 208. WB.
6.4. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns: Sección Azul: 211. Práctica 1, 2 (1-8): 212.

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